Earlier this year LearnAlberta’s Online Reference Centre (ORC) ceased to exist. This meant the end of UAlberta access to resources like the Britannica Online School Edition K-12, PebbleGo and Gale Science in Context. Fear not, gentle educators and education students. Just because we no longer have access to these resources doesn’t mean there aren’t other options available to UAlberta folks. Our friends at Edmonton Public Library (EPL) have many resources related to early learning that current students, staff and faculty can access with their L-Pass.
What’s an L-Pass? In a nutshell, your OneCard can be registered with EPL, enabling you to borrow items and access online resources available through their website. To register your OneCard as your L-Pass fill out this handy-dandy online form. The process is quick and once you’ve signed up your EPL access is instantaneous.
For those interested in resources for young learners (and some of us not-so-young learners) here is a shortcut to find EPL’s trove of online resources, including many former ORC databases. Visit the A-Z Kids Resources section of EPL’s website. Some of the highlights include:

- Worldbook Encyclopedia Online
- PebbleGo Animals
- PebbleGo Science
- PebbleGo Social Studies
- PebbleGo Next Science
- Bookflix
- Canada in Context
- National Geographic Kids
- PowerKnowledge Life Science
- PowerKnowledge Physical Science
- PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science
- Teen Health & Wellness
- Muzzy
- Early World of Learning
- Teen Book Cloud
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