This post was written by Public Service Librarian, Lucinda Johnston

The University of Alberta Library, in collaboration with Wellness Supports, is excited to share Student Life During COVID! This digital volume is a compilation of creative works that reflects student experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The creative works published in this volume include drawings, paintings, digital art, collage, poetry, and music, and will serve as a permanent artifact of the experience of student life during the COVID pandemic.

Between April and October, 2021, U of A students were encouraged to reflect on their experiences as a post-secondary student during the pandemic, and to consider their resilience, tenacity, and overall wellness — and then to creatively express what it all meant to them. A limited number of small art kits were available to students (comprising a set of watercolour paints, oil pastels, a pad of watercolour postcard paper, origami paper and a glue stick!), and several creative arts workshops took place during April and May 2021. Finally, students were invited to submit creative works for a publication in digital and print formats.
Eleven student works have been published in this volume which we hope will be a resource for other students as they face continuing impacts and challenges of post-secondary education during COVID, and will serve as a permanent artifact of the University of Alberta pandemic experience.
Special thanks to the contributing artists: Ishan.A, Malou Brouwer, Mari Alice Conrad, Jordyn Frederick, Andrea Larsen, Holly Munn, M-A Murphy, Priscilla Ojomu, Alysha Ross, Gabriela Roth, Morgan Wong and Neha Vashis.
We wish to thank and acknowledge financial support for this project from a Heroes for Health Grant.
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