Our Rutherford Library is the proud home of the University of Alberta Library’s Education Collection. As the U of A celebrates another wonderful Pride Week, now is a fantastic time to highlight some spectacular LGBTQ2S+ Education Resources. We reached out to Kim Frail, Education & Arts Librarian extraordinaire, for her favourite recommendations and received this fantastic trove of information and goodies!
LGBTQ2S+ Issues in Education Subject Guide

Our library subject guides are always a spectacular source of resources. These guides work to pull subject-specific databases, journals, books, and more to the forefront for users to better browse and target their searches. Feel free to start your research in our LGBTQ2S+ Issues in Education subject guide (shown left), or in our Equity, Diversity, & Inclusivity subject guide.

TeachingBooks* is a handy database that contains a wide variety of online book readings, author information, classroom activities, teacher guides, awards information and more! It also contains a Diverse Books Toolkit that you can use to navigate to LGBTQ2S+ content. You can also limit your search to Canada if you are looking for Canadian-specific content (under Nationality on the left). TeachingBooks is a resource available to members of the U of A community (students, staff, instructors) through our library website, and it is also available to U of A Alumni through our eResources for Alumni suite of resources (registration required)!
LIBRARY PRO TIP*: If you have any issues trying to access this, or any library database, try clearing your cookies and browser history then try accessing it again. If there are still issues, please don’t hesitate to Ask Us!
Alberta Teachers’ Association Library

The Alberta Teachers’ Association Library has a wealth of goodies intended to support sexual and gender minority students, allies, and colleagues. There are Open Access journals, teacher resources, videos & interactive media, book recommendations, and so much more!
Rainbow Books 2022 Recommendations

While perusing the Teacher Facebook groups, Kim found recent recommendations for LGBTQ2S+-friendly novels for junior and senior high school, as recommended by the 2022 Rainbow Books List. A successful search by the blog author found that between our friends at Edmonton Public Library* and our NEOS consortium partners, our community can gain access to every recommended item locally.
LIBRARY PRO TIP*: Are you a U of A student, staff or instructor who does not have an EPL card? Take advantage of our LPass! For more information, click here.
Thanks for the read, and we wish you a very Happy U of A Pride Week! There are plenty of awesome events for folks to enjoy, courtesy of iSMSS! Check out their site for full details and registration!
A MASSIVE shout-out and thanks to Kim Frail for her endless enthusiasm and support to make this post a reality.
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