Good news! We’ve added two more Dogs in the Library virtual sessions to help ease some late-fall term woes. We invite all members of the UAlberta community to take a break and visit with our four-legged pals from CAAWLS and their humans over Zoom.

Bookmark this post and come back on Tuesday, November 24 between noon to 1:30pm and then again on Tuesday, December 8th, same pup time, same pup channel, to get a paw-some pick-me up. Use the links below to access the CAAWLS virtual meeting room and get ready for an overload of canine cuteness.*
Click here on Tuesday, November 24, between 12:00 and 1:30pm to enter the CAAWLS virtual space.
Click here on Tuesday, December 8, between 12:00 and 1:30pm to enter the CAAWLS virtual space.
If you can’t come at 12 pm on the dot, don’t worry! The links will allow you access to the meeting room anytime during these one-and-a-half hour blocks.
*Please note that the meeting links will only work for the duration of the visit.