In honour of International World Happiness Day (Saturday, March 20th), we asked our colleagues to share in words and images, “What brings you joy?“. Thanks to the generous responses from our colleagues we published Part I of this series yesterday, which yielded an array of hobbies, past-times and a gorgeous doggo. Today’s Part II shares beautiful views, tasty treats and a kitty watching RuPaul!

Jamie Spivak, Information Services Specialist
I look forward to watching RuPaul’s Drag Race each week. It is complete fantasy and creativity, colour, humour and camp – the ultimate get-away from every day stress and life.

Sonya Leung, Information Services Specialist
Buying yarn, knitting and DONUTS!!!
Carmen Loconte, Information Services Specialist
Family trips to the mountains! These photos were taken in Banff.
[👋 author sends a shout-out to Vito & the rest of the fam!]

Noelle Fraser, Information Services Specialist
Whitemud Creek chickadees!

Katherine Koch, Head, Faculty Engagement (Sciences, Engineering, & Business)
Walking in the woods and being outside brings me joy. Long rambles through the trees!

Dale Askey, Vice Provost (Library & Museums) & Chief Librarian
Mountains, among many things!
Kim Frail, Librarian (Education & Arts)
I started cross-country skiing for the first time this season and this activity brings me so much joy on so many levels. It provides a great workout and allows you to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature. I’m grateful that we have so many places to enjoy this sport right in the city or a short drive away; particularly the fantastic Gold Bar/Capilano trail system. The cross-country community has been very welcoming and helpful to us COVID newbies. I have officially been converted to one of those people who gets really excited about fresh snow!
Thanks for the view, we appreciate you stopping by! High-fives and many thanks to all of our staffers who contributed their joy and photos. If you know of someone in our U of A Community who deserves a smile this International World Happiness Day, please consider nominating them for a Happiness Award, courtesy of our friends at the Dean of Students Office!
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