What is a citation management system? Why is it important? What does UA provide? Is it meeting the needs of our users? In order to find out we need your feedback.
Citation management is an essential component of scholarly communication and research processes. These processes are constantly evolving in response to ongoing changes in disciplinary contexts, technology, standards and best practises, and funding opportunities. Citation or Reference Management Systems (RMS) are the tools that scholars and researchers use to collect, store and manage the materials that serve their academic work. Ostensibly a personal research database, they also provide a platform for collaboration and social networking amongst scholars and researchers.
RefWorks is the RMS that the University of Alberta Library has made available to its community for several years. However, recognizing that there is a vast range of RMS options available, we are now seeking to evaluate the product we offer: is RefWorks the best citation management tool to meet the diverse needs of the scholars and researchers at the University of Alberta?

A University of Alberta Library Working Group is currently investigating RefWorks and other tools for citation management within the overall context of what students, staff and faculty at the University of Alberta need now and going forward. An environmental scan of other institutions, a review of detailed RefWorks usage metrics and your personal feedback via this short RMS User Survey will inform the decision to renew the University of Alberta Library’s subscription to RefWorks.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey before October 31. Questions and comments may be addressed to:
Connie Winther (on behalf of the Working Group)
Head, Faculty Engagement Health Sciences
University of Alberta Library