Les bibliothécaires de l’Université de l’Alberta reconnaissent depuis longtemps l’importance d’un accès public illimité aux documents de recherche et d’enseignement. Les recherches montrent que le partage des travaux universitaires en libre accès et sans frais pour le lecteur améliore la visibilité et l’impact des universitaires et favorise la création de nouvelles connaissances, chez nous et dans le monde entier.1
En avril 2023, nous avons adopté une prise de position sur le libre accès, rejoignant ainsi 11 de nos bibliothèques de recherche homologues U15* qui s’étaient déjà engagées à adopter des déclarations ou des politiques similaires.

Bien que les employés de nos bibliothèques diffusent largement leurs travaux depuis de nombreuses années, nous aimerions marquer l’anniversaire de cet engagement public en mettant en lumière certaines des contributions qui ont été ouvertes au cours de l’année écoulée.
- Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2024). Organizational Structures and Relationships in Canadian, Noncommercial Journals: Supporting Scholar-Led Publishing.
- Kung, J. (2023). ChatGPT 101: Introduction to Generative AI.
- Kung J., Ly K., & Shiri A. (2023). Text mining applications to support health library practice: A case study on marijuana legalization Twitter analytics.
- Noyen, M., Sanghera, R., Kung, J., & Schindel, T. (2023). Using Art to Explore Pharmacy Student Perceptions of Pharmacist Roles.
- LaFitte, D. & Brettle, A. (2023). The evolving model of EBLIP in research and practice.
- Phinney, J., Watson, E., & Winther, C. (2022). AFMC Network on Libraries Environmental Scan on UpToDate.
- Good, K., & Severson, S. (2023). Managing Digital Collections in the Internet Archive.
- Montoya, L., & Polkinghorne, S. (2023). Getting Past ‘Approachability’: What Cultural Humility Brings to Library and Information Education.
- Binkley, P. (2024, work in progress). Manual on Methods of Reproducing Research Materials. Experimental online edition using IIIF.
- Binkley, P. (2024, work in progress). A Map of the Summa Praedicantium. Experimental online edition using IIIF.
- Binkley, P. (2023). Emoji Separator. Used in research for Karsgaard, C. (2023) Instagram as Public Pedagogy: Online Activism and the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
- Doiron, J., & MacMillan, C. (2023). Mixed Methods DMP Example. / Exemple pour méthodes mixtes.
- Lacroix, D. (2023). Microformation des nouveaux étudiants du CSJ à la bibliothèque de l’Université de l’Alberta.
- Frail, K., Gareau-Brennan, C., and Lacroix, D. (2023). Education Library Orientation.
- Blizzard, K., Firuzkohi, A., Iradukunda, M. & Lacroix, D. Introduction to APA Style: Module 1.
- Blizzard, K., Firuzkohi, A., Iradukunda, M. & Lacroix, D. Intro to APA Style – Module 2: Reference List Entries.
- Blizzard, K., Firuzkohi, A., Iradukunda, M. & Lacroix, D. Intro to APA Style – Module 3 : In-text Citations.
- Betz, S., Nason, M. & Uhl, E. (2023, May 10). Canada’s library publishers: Low-key load bearing.
- Betz, S., Clark, J., Hatherill, J., & Lange, J. (2023, Oct. 25 – 26). Creating a Canadian library publishing community to support diamond open access.
- Laliberté, L. (2023). Touring through an open house: The William C. Wonders map collection’s desire paths and colonial legacies.
- Kraut R., Wierenga F., Molstad E., Korownyk C., Perry D., Dennett L., & Garrison S. (2023). Intolerance upon statin rechallenge: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
- Wu, Y., Mao, K., Dennett, L., Zhang, Y., & Chen, J. (2023) Systematic review of machine learning in PTSD studies for automated diagnosis evaluation.
- Douma M., Myhre, C., Ali, S., Graham, T., Ruether, K., Brindley, P., Dainty, K., Smith, K., Montgomery, C., Dennett, L., Picard, C., Frazer, K., & Kroll, T. (2023). What are the care needs of families experiencing sudden cardiac arrest? A survivor and family performed systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis and clinical practice recommendations.
- Devkota, R., Cummings, G., Hunter, K.F., Maxwell, C., Shrestha, S., Dennett, L., & Hoben, M. (2023) Factors influencing emotional support of older adults living in the community: a scoping review protocol.
- Zheng, K., Kawchuk, G., Bussières, A., Al Zoubi, F., Hartvigsen, J., Fu, S., de Luca, K., Weiner, D., Karppinen, J., Samartzis, D., Ferreira, M., Wu, J., Dennett, L., & Wong, A. (2023). “Trends of low back pain research in older adults and working-age adults from 1993 to 2023: a bibliometric analysis”.
- Nagpal, T., Pearce, N., Sockalingam, S., Hawa, R., Dhaliwal, K., Lee-Baggley, D., El-Hussein, M., Nutter, S., Piccinini-Vallis, H., Vallis, M., Dennett, L., Forhan, M., Hadjiyanakkis, S., Kushner, R., McMillan, M., Wharton, S., Wiljer, D., & Abraham, R. (2023). A scoping review of obesity education interventions for current and prospective medical professionals in Canada.
- Fuhrmann A.C., Cordova F.P., Dennett E., Paskulin L.M.G., & Johnson J. (2023). Economic evaluation of compression therapies in the treatment of venous leg ulcers: a systematic review protocol.
- Turk T., Liu C., Fujiwara E., Straube S., Hagtvedt R., Dennett L., Abba-Aji A., Dytoc M. (2023). Pharmacological Interventions for Primary Psychodermatologic Disorders: An Evidence Mapping and Appraisal of Randomized Controlled Trials.
- Burback, L., Dhaliwal, R., Reeson, M., Erick, T., Hartle, K., Chow, E., Vouronikos, G., Antunes, N., Marshall, T., Kennedy, M., Dennett, L., Greenshaw, A., Smith-MacDonald, L., & Olga Winkler, O. (2023). Trauma focused psychotherapy in patients with suicidal ideation: A scoping review.
- Jin, J., Al-Shamali, H., McWeeny, R; Sawalha, J., Shalaby, R., Marshall, T., Greenshaw, A., Cao, B., Zhang, Y., Demas, M., Dursun, S., Dennett, L., & Suleman, R. (2023). Effects of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on cognitive deficits in depression in relation to methodological and technological advancements: a systematic review.
- Jin J., Goud R., Al-Shamali H., Dzunic A., Lyons T., Reeson M., Pazderka H., Dennett L., Polzin W., Wei Y., Silverstone P., & Greenshaw AJ. (2023). Early mental health foundations: a scoping review of reflective functioning in caregiver-child dyads.
- Ali A., Nguyen J., Dennett L., Goez H., & Rashid M. (2023). A scoping review for designing a disability curriculum and its impact on medical students.
- Rashid M., Nguyen J., Foulds J., Dennett L., Cardinal N., & Forgie S. (2023). A Scoping Review of Indigenous Health Curricular Content in Postgraduate Medical Education.
- Roberts, R., Slade, T., Voaklander, D., Straube, S., Dennett, L., Cancelliere, C., Guptill, C., Miller, L., Lemay, D., De Leon, M., & Gross, D. (2023). The Effectiveness of Workplace Musculoskeletal Injury Risk Factor Screening Tools for Reducing Injury: A Systematic Review.
- Müggenborg, F., Moreira de Castro Carletti, E., Dennett, L., Sobral de Oliveira-Souza, Al., Mohamad, N., Licht, F., von Piekartz, H., & Armijo-Olivo, S. (2023). Effectiveness of Manual Trigger Point Therapy in Patients with Myofascial Trigger Points in the Orofacial Region—A Systematic Review.
- Golberg E.S., Sommerfeldt M., Pinkowsi A., Dennett L., & Beaupre L. (2023). Athletic Performance Assessments Used to Inform Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Return to Sport Decision Making: A Scoping Review.
- Wakaruk, A. (2024). Mitigating the Impact of Copyright Anxiety and Chill in Libraries.
- Wakaruk, A. & Johnson, R. (2023). Seeing the forest for the trees: What contract override looks like in Canadian libraries.
- Wakaruk, A., Morrison, C. & Secker, J. (2023). Copyright Anxiety Study – a sneak peak at findings.
- Wakaruk, A., Luyk, S., Johnston, L., Severson, S., & Farnel, S. (2023). Controlled Digital Lending: Issues and Opportunities for Sheet Music Collections.
- Wakaruk, A. (2023). Opening Up Copyright for Canadians: creating instructional videos that people want to watch (all the way to the end).
Pour en savoir plus sur la diffusion plus large de vos propres recherches visitez le site : What is Open Access?
Un grand merci à l’équipe de communication savante de la bibliothèque de l’Université de l’Alberta (UAL) pour la rédaction de cet article.
*”U15” fait référence à un collectif d’universités à forte intensité de recherche au Canada. Pour plus d’informations, voir Tummon, N. & Desmeules, R., (2022) “How Open Is the U15? A Preliminary Analysis of Open Access Publishing in Canadian Academic Libraries”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 10(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/jlsc.13831
1 Tennant JP, Waldner F, Jacques DC et al. The academic, economic and societal impacts of Open Access: an evidence-based review [version 3; peer review: 4 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2016, 5:632 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.8460.3)
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