It’s almost the first week of March, which means Open Education Week!

Open Education is a movement that encourages sharing and collaboration through open licensing (licensing that permits free access or reuse) and accessible formats for course materials. It also promotes open pedagogical practices by encouraging the co-creation and customization of learning resources by students and faculty. One of the most exciting aspects of Open Education is the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) which allows you to retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute course materials. This means you can easily build on and contribute to the works of others.
Join the University of Alberta Library this March to celebrate, share and learn more about open educational resources and practices:
- Attend the virtual Open Education Talks series every Wednesday at lunch throughout the month of March;
- Join one of our 30 minute workshops on Reducing Textbook Costs for Students: Practical Strategies for Instructors
- Explore our OER Guide and contact if you want some help finding open educational resources for your class;
- Consider offering a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) course the next time you teach.
- Learn more about our Open Textbook Publishing program at the University of Alberta and explore the collection in the Open Education Alberta catalog.
- Check out more events from OE Global!

Thank you to our Open Education Team for authoring this post.
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