Please join us as we catch up with Mudasser Seraj, a former Images of Research semifinalist, on what he learned participating in the competition and exhibition and where he is now.
What did you learn about yourself or your research while you created your IOR image?
Visual communication is a highly effective medium to develop an interest in complex research methods among the general population.
How did IOR boost your professional and academic skills?
IOR helped in improving my communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal), which was my goal from the beginning.
What is your advice to researchers who are considering entering the competition in 2021?
Ask yourself, can your research be unambiguously explainable through this image to a senior citizen or elementary school-going children within a couple of minutes?
What’s new for you and your research?
We are currently working with different industry and government partners to develop different applications of Connected-Automated vehicle technology to improve traffic operations and safety
Is there anything else you’d like to mention regarding your research/work journey since IOR?
My experience in IOR and 3MT helped me a lot to improve my communication skill, which was one of my biggest weaknesses. So, I want to thank FGSR and the Library for organizing these events.
Are you a graduate student with a great idea for an image that represents your research? Visit the Images of Research website and be sure sign up for our February 2, Images of Research Preparation Workshop to learn how to craft that image into a successful IOR entry.