As we say “Goodbye” to another academic term let’s say “Hello” to these staff recommendations! All recommendations are available with University of Alberta credentials, CCID/ONEcard or an L-Pass (required for recommendations available through Edmonton Public Library).
From Janice Kung, Librarian (Health Sciences)

Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World by Matt Parker
“It’s an entertaining and eye-opening read about how complicated our world is, and you don’t need to love math to enjoy this book”
From Larry Laliberite, GIS Librarian
The Pemmican Eaters by Marilyn Dumont
Eat Salt | Gaze at the Ocean by Junie Désil
“Both haunting histories that astound in poetic measure bringing the reader onto the land and into the ocean.”

From Sarah-Jeanne Bélec, Public Services Assistant (Digital Scholarship Centre)
“April is Poetry month; I thought it’d be fun to share my poetry recommendations.”

Night Sky With Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head by Warsan Shire
Moebius, francophone periodical
You Better Be Lightning by Andrea Gibson
I Am the Rage by Martina MacGowan
river woman by Katherena Vermette
From Jane Banks, Library Applications Support Specialist
Skip and Loafer by Misaki Takamatsu
“It’s a super cute and wholesome manga series about high school friends “

From Robert Cole, Metadata Librarian & Peel Bibliographer

High spirits by Robertson Davies
“The book is a collection of humorous ghost stories that Davies – Principal [then called Master] of Massey College at the U of T from 1963 to 1981 – read at the College’s annual Christmas gathering. These tales gently satirize various people and events at the U of T and academic life in general.”
From Katie Cuyler, Open Publishing & Government Information Librarian
Fight Night by Miriam Toews – “Written in stream of consciousness from the perspective of a child. At first you’re trying to piece together what’s going on, but by the end you’re totally invested in this family and want to stay with them after the book ends.”
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi – “Traces a family across 300 years from Ghana, through the slave trade, to life in the 1900s in America. It’s beautifully written, draws you in, has you contemplating both the effects of the larger forces at play and the intimate personal lives of those in the story.”
The Son of a Trickster series by Eden Robinson – “A great exciting read that draws you in and you won’t want to put it down. I read the first book in one weekend!”
“For just lighter vacation reads, I’d recommend anything by Louise Penny“

From Monica Schuh, Acquisition & Collection Support Assistant

Before We were Yours by Lisa Wingate
From Michaela Stang, Reference & Processing Specialist (Bruce Peel Special Collections)
Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett’s
“Equal Rites is an excellent introduction to the wit, whimsy, and wonder of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld and its integral characters of the wizards and witches. Though they are always at odds in their magical practices, some traditions hold fast for both, so what happens when a young girl is destined to be a wizard? How will they adapt their rules of magic and social norms in their changing worlds? This is a perfect read if you want a fantastical satire that mocks the old-boys’-club traditions of academia and the gendered stereotypes of fantasy characters.”

From Sarah Severson, Digitization Librarian

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore by Robin Solan
“It’s a fun, light adventure/mystery about books and technology set in San Francisco. There is a mysterious cult, computer hackers, 3-D maps, ancient texts and an old bookstore – a perfect mix! “
From Patricia Sherbaniuk, Librarian (ALES)
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn
“A quartet of older female assassins find the tables have turned and they are themselves in danger of being assassinated. They use their collective “aged” wisdom to foil their enemies. A great escapist read!”
By Jo Nesbo the Harry Hole series
“Starting with “The Bat“, this police series starring troubled cop Harry Hole is very well written and full of twists and turns. For fans of *dark* Scandinavian crime fiction.”

From Amanda Nagyl, Cataloguing Specialist (Monographs)

Film Slow West – Stream from Criterion-on-Demand
“A western about a young man seeking out the woman he is infatuated with, and an outlaw who offers to help him.”
Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson
“If you’re ready to commit a good chunk of time and bandwidth to an epic fantasy series, consider the first book in Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen series, Gardens of the Moon. Audio and eBook versions also available from EPL.“
From Anna Gibson Hollow, University Archivist
The Archived by V.E. Schwab
“I found it rather randomly by searching the term “archive” in the Edmonton Public Library search bar. As an archivist, I found it interesting how the author interpreted the archive as housing people who have passed on. The people are known as histories and the archive in which they rest is guarded by librarians.”
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E. Schwab
“It’s another fantasy novel that is quite haunting and sad and explores what it means to live a life truly alone.”

From Grace Telder-Romanow, Information Services Specialist

The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
From Sonya Leung, Information Services Specialist
“The Birth of Korean Cool by Euny Hong because I have recently been swept up in Hallyu.”

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