Our annual holiday break is just around the corner and many of us are making plans for the time off from studies and/or work! In today’s blog post we take a look through our archives for a glimpse of the past times and life of long ago winters.
Lets start with these students at our Law Library in the 1960’s. It certainly looks like they need a break! I wonder what our University of Alberta students did to escape the books and deadlines?

By the looks of these images from our University of Alberta Archives, they danced, they produced and attended plays and of course there were always many options for sports.

These images from the Prairie Postcard Collection take us beyond campus life and tell a different story. The prairies in winter were cold and life was sometimes hard, but there was time for beauty and fun as well. Take a look…

These two fellows donned their best suits for a Christmas day photo in Beausejour, Manitoba (1912). The poignant message on the back was mailed to a friend in Muncie Indiana. Some things haven’t changed with the passage of time – cold weather and feeling lonely once in a while …

Hello Irish, Got in two weeks on my steady job and doing good. We got this taken Christmas day. Does this look like the two Duchmans Irish? Got a letter from Ray the other day boy she sure is cold here. Wishing you all a Happy New year’s.
I Remain your Friend Johnnie W[etz].
I get lonesome once in a while. (PC000028)
We hope you enjoy your holiday break wherever you are, and look forward to greeting you when we reopen in January. Come in and say hello!