The University of Alberta Library has made the decision to end our subscription to the RefWorks reference management service as of October 1, 2021. The decision is part of ensuring that we can direct funds to key resources and services during tight budget times. This cancellation means that current and past members of the University of Alberta community will no longer have access to both Legacy and ProQuest RefWorks, nor the reference data that they have stored in their RefWorks accounts, after October 1.

We recognize that a number of students and researchers use RefWorks and that this change may be inconvenient. To help advise users of some of the alternatives to RefWorks, we have created a RefWorks Transition Guide that provides instructions on how to transition reference data from RefWorks into other commonly used reference management systems and answers questions related to the cancellation.
Over the coming months, we will be sharing further information about alternative reference management software and leading workshop sessions where users affected by this cancellation can learn more. Keep an eye on our website, news blog and social media channels for future updates.
As always, our staff is available via chat and email to answer your questions and provide assistance. Just ask us!