Today we are shining a light on resources reflecting the rich culture of Iran as well as their ongoing struggle for women’s rights.
A few weeks ago a young Iranian woman by the name of Mahsa Amini was arrested for wearing a hijab too loosely. Three days later she was dead. Mahsa Amini’s death resulted in a series of large-scale protests in Iran and an international call for change – freedom and rights for women. Across the University of Alberta campus we have had vigils and see posters using the #MahsaAmini to demonstrate support.
To gain some context and perspective, this book list features titles on Iranian history, and the ongoing struggle for women’s rights in Iran.

To stay updated on breaking news stories (as well as archival articles) consider accessing The New York Times via the UAlberta free digital access.
Our heartfelt thanks to our Iranian students for suggesting this virtual book display. We offer our solidarity and support to all who are affected by the current unrest and protests in Iran. There is information on supports offered by the University of Alberta here.