We don’t know about you, but we are still riding on the wave of excitement from Open Education Week last week!
If you weren’t able to make it, you missed some great presentations and the opportunity to join us in recognizing some of the great work that encompasses the values of openness on our campus.
These individuals have exerted passion and effort in pushing forward open resources in the face of barriers that exist for OER. The resources they have contributed serve our institution and increases instructional capacity outside the walls of the University of Alberta. Truly this is in line with our university commitment to “uplift the whole people”.

Please join us in thanking Alla Nedashkivska, Samer Adeeb, Chris Powter, Sean Luyk and the Mennonite Centre for New Comers for growing openness for our community.
Alla Nedashkivska
Alla has developed and openly released a web-based textbook for developing business and professional communication skills in Ukrainian. Alla’s work has not only made these language resources accessible to all to learn, but also sets the standard for OER resources created on our campus. Learn more: https://businessukrainian.com/
Samer Adeeb
Samer has created interactive open content teaching Engineering concepts. These new tools allow the incorporation of “dynamic” examples rather than the traditional textbook “static” examples. Samer has been a faculty champion for OER on our campus. Learn more: ttps://sameradeeb-new.srv.ualberta.ca/
Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers & Sean Luyk
The Mennonite Centre for Newcomers has openly released a collection of readings of traditional folk tales in many languages. These stories are open for everyone and are especially impactful for people who are new to Canada just beginning to learn English.
A special thank you to Sean Luyk who was key to bringing this collection to ERA A+V.
Chris Powter
Chris was the faculty sponsor and champion of the Oil Sands Research Information Network (OSRIN) community of materials which brought precious documents about the history of oil sands reclamation in Alberta to ERA to the open web. His instrumental and role in bringing these materials to the public is worth our recognition. This collection has significantly increased the instructional capacity for faculty in Alberta and elsewhere in oil sands reclamation practice and history.
- Check out the schedule of Open Education Week 2018 events to see what you missed.
- Visit the Libraries Open Educational Resources Guide guide
- Join the University of Alberta Open Education community listserv
- Participate in the Alberta OER Community of Practice
- Follow @uofalibrary to contribute to the Open Education Week conversation with the #uaopened hashtag