It’s crunch time! Projects are almost due, final exams are on the horizon and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done. In times like this, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and forget to take care of ourselves. Here at the library we feel for you. A few of our student employees were willing to share little bits of wisdom on how they make the most of their study time and unwind in their downtime.
“As a student, my version of de-stressing is completing a variety of smaller tasks. I suggest creating a list of schoolwork and housework, each being organized by priority. I work on a smaller task or two from my schoolwork list, then tackle a small household task. For example, I will complete half an assignment and then fold my laundry, or I will write two pages of a paper and then do the dishes. I find this allows me to still feel productive while on a brain break. It also helps keep my environment tidy. When the apartment is in disarray I feel more stressed about schoolwork. Calming music while completing schoolwork also sets a nice mood.”
Emily, Augustana Library
“As someone who was out of academia for a while and recently hopped back in, I found that finding co-working streamers on Twitch or another streaming platform really helped me get back into the swing of studying. A lot of these streamers do something called the “Pomodoro Method” of studying, where they’ll study for 50 minutes on, and take 10 minutes off. They’ll stay on camera (mic muted) while studying, have a countdown timer til break, and usually they’ll have some neat Lo-fi music playing during the study session. When the timer goes off, the streamers then spend a 10 minute break chatting with the audience until the cycle repeats. Some streamers even have a task board where you can input what you’re studying and share with the audience, or will make incentives like games during breaks if they reach a certain number of viewers or tasks completed. I found it great for accountability, and it’s fun getting to know what other participants were studying! “
Lothian, Rutherford Library
“My study hacks are old Mom advice about planning ahead and staying organized and making a list of things to do – which is boring and even my own children do not appreciate.
I have discovered a new de-stress tactic that I am currently enjoying! As graduate students, there is virtually no time for relaxing or watching TV, however I have discovered The Big Brunch (HBOMax/Crave) that is sure to warm your heart and completely relax you! This show has such a vibe – cool, jazzy music, nice people that do really good work in their communities and even in a competition they are calm and most importantly kind and supportive of one another. It is created by Dan Levy, which right there is a win, and he is joined by two other lovely judges that banter and have cocktails while they await the contestant’s offerings. If this show doesn’t make you feel better – I just don’t know what will! “
Deanna, Cameron, Scott and Rutherford Libraries
Our sincerest thanks to the students who shared these tips. We urge everyone to make room for a little downtime in their schedules. Our friends from Unwind Your Mind will be setting up tables with coloring sheets and other diversions in each of our locations (their homepage also includes a lot of great wellness resources). If you’re looking for other resources to help support a balanced lifestyle, available through the library, check out our Student Well-Being Guide. Our news blog also has many other blog posts with great suggestions for other ways to relax and take care of yourself.

As always, our amazing staff are here to help if you need help finding resources for assignments or have a tough citation question. Just reach out and Ask Us.
Best of luck to you all!