At the University of Alberta Library, we prioritize supporting the University of Alberta’s research. From discovery to publication and beyond, the library is actively participating in all aspects of your research, including reducing administrative burden.
As such, we are presenting all University of Alberta Researchers with a unique, one time opportunity to win clerical support to populate your ORCID record. Whether you are a new researcher, just starting to publish your work or a well seasoned author, this opportunity is for you.
We realize that although ORCID will eventually save you administrative time, the initial profile set up is a significant task. This contest will recognize all our campus members who have an ORCID record with a small thank you and will remove the administrative burden of creating a complete profile for winners by providing clerical support.
Enter this unique opportunity in three steps:
- Create your ORCID record, using your @ualberta.ca email address by going to the ORCID registration website.
- Ensure that the University of Alberta is listed as your employer or current place of education in your ORCID profile.
- Submit your ORCID record to the Library using this form
We will be accepting ORCID record submissions from Monday March 6th 2023 to Sunday March 19, 2023

To confirm your submission we will send you a vinyl ORCID @ualberta.ca sticker through campus mail. Please feel free to post your submission confirmation on social media and tagging @uofalibrary.
For the contest winners*, once your ORCID record has been completed we will send you confirmation through campus mail.
* Winners of this contest will be chosen through a random draw.