It’s great to see all the students and staff who were here before COVID-19 hit, and to all those new to The University of Alberta we bid you a hearty welcome. We’re happy to be back, and a little apprehensive, as we’re sure many of you are. Using the library looks slightly different than it did pre-pandemic, however you can still browse our shelves and borrow items, take advantage of our various study spaces and receive in-person assistance from library staff.
The safety of students and staff is our top priority. With that in mind, here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re using our spaces.

Masks must be worn in the library
Libraries are indoor public spaces and everyone is required to wear a mask*. This aligns with current campus, civic and provincial public health regulations. The one exception is if you are alone in one of our study rooms.

No food in the library
Food may not be consumed in the library. Please take meal and snack breaks in other parts of campus.
You may bring beverages, as long as the container has a lid. If you are enjoying a beverage, please mask-up between sips.

Physical distance whenever possible
If you’re working with others in a group study room or a communal library space, try to maintain a 2m distance between each other.
Try to avoid crowding as much as possible. Our library locations have lots of different study spaces; explore all levels of our different libraries.

Stay up-to-date on campus public health regulations
Things can change fast. Guidelines could change depending on what directions the pandemic goes in the coming months. Be sure to read the weekly campus public health updates and make sure to check the library’s webpage, Twitter or Instagram regularly.
University can be incredibly stressful, and we would like everyone to enjoy our spaces without the added worry of getting sick. Please be respectful of others using the space, and if you have any questions or concerns talk to library staff.
* Those with a special medical accommodation must physical distance