As Indigenous History Month continues, now is a great time to explore the over 500 individual items on Indigenous research in The University of Alberta’s Educational and Research Archive (ERA) and The University of Alberta media streaming repository, Aviary.
The Situated Knowledges, Indigenous Peoples and Place (SKIPP) Virtual Colloquium took place in the Summer of 2020. SKIPP showcased University of Alberta scholars’ journeys into or with Indigenous-engaged research and scholarship. Streaming videos of the SKIPP presentations live within Aviary in the SKIPP Collection. Below are quick links to each of the SKIPP presentations.

In addition to SKIPP there are many other collections to explore such as Indigenous Health, Making Meaning, Writing Stick and Integrative Health Institute Conference: Contemporary Insights for Optimizing Health to name a few.
Here is the full list of individual research items preserved in ERA and here the full list of streaming research items preserved in Aviary. Below are just a handful more, of links to items on Indigenous research that you will find in the two repositories.

Streaming Video

Streaming Video
To further your Indigenous research check out our Indigenous Research Libguide and as always, if you need help navigating these databases please Ask Us.