This July you will see some familiar faces in the Faculty of Science and the Physics Department’s Science Hardware Space: The Shack* (The Shack) as the Cameron Library Public Service Assistants (PSAs) will be covering The Shack’s staff vacation leaves. The Shack is located at L2-136 in the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science Building – pop by and say “Hello!”
The open hours are Monday to Friday 1:30 – 3:30 PM for the month of July.

But why would staff from the library be staffing a 3D printing makerspace?
Back in winter term 2016, The Shack partnered with Cameron Library to provide 3D printing at the library. In this unique partnership, The Shack services the five 3D printers that are housed in Cameron Library when advanced technical issues arise. In turn The Cameron Library PSAs underwent training in evaluating 3D models and executing the models prints. Together, its been a productive match!
Over the past two years, Cameron Library PSAs have worked with the University of Alberta community on their 3D modeling and printing. This has resulted in an award winning library service for the campus community.
When The Shack’s staff vacations looked like they would have to have the Makerspace close for a whole month they turned to the Cameron Library for help. For the month of July you will see PSAs from Cameron Library staffing The Shack. In addition the MachinaX printers, the Cameron Library PSAs will be learning more about The Shack’s other 3D printers Prusia and Makerbot.

MachinaX printer named Zac Efron in The Shack

Makerbot printer named Peter Bot in The Shack

Prusa printer photo Prusa printer named Beatrix Kiddo, ABS filament is available for use on this printer

* The Science Hardware Space: The Shack website is currently down (July 17, 2018) please contact Cameron Library if you have any questions